The practice of ancient times continues to evolve Today

The practice of ancient times continues to evolve Today

Reflexology can be described as a holistic treatment for health that makes use of hands-on physical touch with the hands and fingers the patient in order to enhance vitality and overall health. By using gentle electrical stimulation or pressure on the body, the patient hopes to enhance health by influencing the energy flow throughout the body. The practice is in use since the ancient 19th century, when it was first referred to in the form of Chinese Herbal Medicine. The current practitioners are accredited or members of the American Reflexology Certification Board. Reflexologists must be certified by professional training or proficiency before being allowed to practice in all 50 states.

Unlike many modalities employed for diagnosing health problems it does not employ sets, rolls, or rolling, but instead rely on the principal that there are zones in the body that react most well to the pressure. By following the natural path of these zones will relieve discomfort and help prevent the development of diseases. Reflexology is a basic form of reflexology that diagnoses the areas with symptoms. But, it needs an extensive examination to determine the root cause. The condition can be classified into five zones that correspond to the anatomical structure of the body.

Scientists and western doctors have recognized four main reflexological zones, but there may be other areas. These are: head zone, brow zone, cheek zone, as well as the hand zone. The Head Zone (also known as brainstem) refers to the inside of the of the ear, also known as the brow zone, or foreheadzone, cheek zone that covers the facial area and that surrounds the mouth, as well as hand zone that covers the middle of the arm's upper. In the ancient Egypt, the zones were identified according to whether the body part connected to the ground, or was it higher or lower. For instance, if someone had hands that connected to the floor, they were considered to be an anthropoderm however, those who had hands floating over the surface would be said to be a 'humusthropoid' body. This classification system could be confusing for modern medical professionals and patients alike, especially when some words, like Humusthropoid and anthropoderm can be used in conjunction.

The first documented reference to the therapy comes from Hippocrates, who is the founder of medical science. Hippocrates said that the method utilized to treat Hippocrates was Reflexology. Hippocrates loved natural therapies at the times.  로켓마사지 He based his belief on the idea that various areas of the body respond to 'pressure points,' which are covered in great detail by the Theory of Relation. He also emphasized the fact that the majority of diseases result from Central Nervous System.

The origins of reflexology was obscured in the fog of time. Some practitioners believe they were born in China Others believe the practice originated from Greece. It is believed that the priests who utilized acupressure to heal people and heal themselves, introduced it to Greeks. Some believe it was brought to us by Egyptians, who used it for common illnesses. Some practitioners today think that the origins of it are in American herbalism.

In the past, in Egypt the practice of reflexology was referred to as'maharti', or'massage therapy.' Roman soldiers believed it could maintain their fitness during battle. Some theories suggest that it was also used by the Phoenicians to ease muscles tension. Today, experts are of the opinion that the concept originated back in the third century B.C.

Although there are no scientific studies that support reflexology as a medical treatment but it's clear that more than one third of the people in this country are taking any alternative treatment. Soon, we will be able to discover the true benefits of reflexology as we learn more about the physiological mechanisms of our bodies, and the interconnection of various organs. As of now, we know that reflexology can be beneficial in relieving pain due to muscles and joint pain, among other conditions. Stress, which is a medical reason for insomnia is also relieved with its help.

There are many unanswered questions in the past of reflexology. However, its history and growth since ancient Egypt is a case research in and of itself. To discover the healing properties of this remarkable therapy we need to continue investigating it.